We Proudly Represent our Parent Organization
San Onofre Surfing Club as its official surf team riders




The name of the organization shall be the SAN ONOFRE SURF TEAM, hereafter referred to as the SOST.


MISSION STATEMENT The specific purpose of this Corporation is to contribute to the local community by promoting surfing for a variety of ages, to preserve surfing culture and history, to aid in conserving coastal environments, and to protect San Onofre State Beach by fostering a positive image for surfers locally as well as globally.


SAN ONOFRE SURF TEAM will hold an annual surfing contest to promote the sport of amateur surfing and raise money for local charities.


SAN ONOFRE SURF TEAM members can nominate charities. The SAN ONOFRE SURF TEAM Board of Directors (“The Board”) shall approve when deemed appropriate and decide on the amount given to each charity based on funds raised.



The SAN ONOFRE SURF TEAM shall operate as a public non-profit corporation, pursuant to the rules and regulations of a 501(c)(3) organization.




The principal office for the transaction of the activities and affairs of the Corporation (“principal office”) is located at 3104 Sombredo, San Clemente California 92673. “The Board'' may change the principal office from one location to another. Any change of location of the principal office shall be noted by the Secretary on these Bylaws opposite this section, or this section may be amended to state the new location.


The SAN ONOFRE SURF TEAM shall consist of a general membership governed by “The Board Officers.” “The Board” Officers shall consist of a President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. The SAN ONOFRE SURF TEAM may also elect no fewer than three (3) nor more than ten (10) additional directors and collectively they shall be known as “The Board” of Directors.




PRESIDENT– The President shall function as the Chief Officer of the SAN ONOFRE SURF TEAM, conduct meetings of the membership in accordance with the Rules of Order, and shall govern the meetings of “The Board” and the general membership in a manner that is not inconsistent with or in conflict with these bylaws, the Articles of Incorporation of this Corporation or the law. The President is ultimately responsible for all administrative requirements and activities conducted by the SAN ONOFRE SURF TEAM. The President will approve, by signature, all formal correspondence and expenditures in excess of $50.00 on behalf of the SAN ONOFRE SURF TEAM.

VICE-PRESIDENT– The Vice-President will function as a Board Member and assume the duties of the President in the event of his/her absence. In the event the President is unable to complete his/her term, the Vice-President will assume the position of President for the remainder of his/her term.

SECRETARY– The Secretary shall prepare and maintain minutes of all meetings, shall prepare correspondence for signature by the President on behalf of the SAN ONOFRE SURF TEAM shall keep records of past members, current members, and applicants, shall keep records of all correspondence and miscellaneous files on behalf of the SAN ONOFRE SURF TEAM, and other related duties requested by the President. Records, other than membership and financial records, will be maintained for seven years. Membership records shall be maintained for 15 years. The Secretary will not be responsible for financial records relating to the SAN ONOFRE SURF TEAM.

TREASURER – The Treasurer shall keep the financial records of the SAN ONOFRE SURF TEAM and shall be responsible for the collection and disbursement of all funds for the SAN ONOFRE SURF TEAM. The Treasurer will be required to establish and maintain a checking and/or a savings account on behalf of the SAN ONOFRE SURF TEAM. The checking account will list the President, Secretary, and Treasurer as authorized signatures on the SAN ONOFRE SURF TEAM Account. The Treasurer will provide a written account to “The Board” and general membership on a monthly basis. Financial records shall be maintained for a minimum of five years.

Director of Creative Development (Chairperson)- The SAN ONOFRE SURF TEAM Director of Creative Development works with the board to create, plan, and deliver an integrated strategic vision that includes everything from monitoring brand campaigns, revising presentations/material, shaping brand standards, and the creation of logos. The position helps aid and drive media outreach and marketing materials.

Director of Events (Chairperson)- The SAN ONOFRE SURF TEAM Director of Events is responsible for organizing successful team events- from contests to to promotional activities- through careful planning and working with the SOST Board. This job involves a varied range of tasks and obligations, from planning to overseeing people from staff & crew, to sponsors and talent in relation to an event. Moreover, the Director of Events is the representative of the event(s) when dealing with the benefactors of the event.

SOST Team Captain- The SAN ONOFRE SURF TEAM Captain is responsible for leadership and communications with the team itself while at and leading up to an event/competition.

SOST Assistant Team Captain- The SAN ONOFRE SURF TEAM Assistant Team Captain responsibilities include aiding the SOST Team Captain in leading and communicating with the surf team leading up to and at an event/competition.

SECTION 5.02. – General Board Member Duties

The members of “The Board” of Directors may volunteer and/or be assigned:

• To act as the club’s Sgt. at Arms responsible for maintaining order at Board meetings, General meetings, and SAN ONOFRE SURF TEAM activities, review new member applications, ensure procedures are followed during voting activities and that only authorized SAN ONOFRE SURF TEAM members participate in the voting procedure.

• To support the coordination of all SAN ONOFRE SURF TEAM surfing contests or events. A member of the Board may be assigned as the “Event Coordinator” and may establish committee(s) and at his/her discretion from the general membership to assist with events. Events shall require approval from “The Board.”

• To develop a list of sponsors, establish a committee at his/her discretion to assist with identifying primary contact(s) for each sponsor and maintain accounting records, for submission to the Treasurer, of all donations of cash or products received from sponsors.

• To act as the SAN ONOFRE SURF TEAM representative to the Coalition of Surf Clubs and other agencies as required. The Board member assigned with this duty shall report all his/her activities in this capacity to “The Board” and to the general membership.

• A Board member may volunteer and/or be assigned other duties to include, but not limited to the activities listed above.


“The Board” shall be elected by the general membership of the SAN ONOFRE SURF TEAM. Only those members in good standing are eligible to be members of “The Board.” The election of Board members will be conducted at the November general meeting. “The Board,” shall be elected by secret written and email ballots by a majority vote of the general membership of members in good standing present at the November meeting. The elected members will serve their term for one year from January 1 thru December 31. The amount of members designated to serve on “The Board” will be determined by “The Board” itself. *NOTE: All “Charter members of the Board” (formed in 2022) will remain until a charter member decides to exit from “The Board.” As such, no “Charter Member of the Board” will be subject to being elected, unless they have chosen to leave “The Board” and then return at a later date. At such time, this member will be subject to the same process all other eligible members of the San Onofre Surf Team are under in regards to being elected to “The Board.”

Board members may be removed from their office under the following conditions: personal or health issues preventing the member from performing the duties required as a Board member, fall from good standing with the SAN ONOFRE SURF TEAM, or resignation.

In the event a San Onofre Surf Team Board Member’s position becomes vacant, an election by secret written and email ballot will be conducted to fill the vacant position at the next general meeting following the date of vacancy, with the exception of the position of President which will be filled by the Vice- President for the remainder of the term.

Officers and Board of Directors shall serve without compensation except that they shall be allowed reasonable advancement or reimbursement of expenses incurred in the performance of their regular duties.


A meeting of the general membership shall be held monthly at the discretion of “The Board.” The President, at his/her discretion, shall hold a monthly Board meeting. Additional meetings may be set by “The Board.” Visitors and potential applicants for membership may attend general meetings.

Some issues may be sensitive and, at any time, any member of the general membership may call for a closed session. Only members in good standing may attend closed sessions.


In order that the SAN ONOFRE SURF TEAM may vote on any issue at a general meeting a quorum of the membership must be present. A minimum of one third of the general membership will constitute a quorum for the purpose of voting at a general meeting. Results will be determined by a simple majority voice vote on all issues unless otherwise stated in these bylaws. Voting may be conducted by electronic (email) or written ballots if requested by any general member provided justification for such a vote is approved by the President. The presence of a majority of Board Members will constitute a quorum for voting purposes at Board meetings.




Charter Member – Is an SAN ONOFRE SURF TEAM member that was an original member of the SAN ONOFRE SURF TEAM upon its conception, and/or identified by the overall consensus of “The Board” and maintains a status of good standing with the SAN ONOFRE SURF TEAM. A Charter Member will be afforded all rights and benefits of the general membership, and will not be required to pay annual dues.

General Member – Is an SAN ONOFRE SURF TEAM member that has current paid dues and is in good standing with the SAN ONOFRE SURF TEAM. A General Member is afforded all benefits offered by the SAN ONOFRE SURF TEAM and may participate in all general membership votes.

Junior Member – Is an SAN ONOFRE SURF TEAM member in good standing with current dues that is under the age of 21 years and is permitted to vote. Junior Members may sponsor persons under the age of 18 for Junior Membership. Except for the described restrictions, Junior Members are afforded all other rights and benefits of a general member. Junior Members under 18 must have signed approval from a parent or legal guardian to join the SAN ONOFRE SURF TEAM.

Suspended Member – A General Member, Charter Member, Junior Member may fall into the category of a Suspended Member under the following conditions: during disciplinary action, allowing dues to become delinquent (excluding Charter Members), or other unusual situations that” The Board” determines suspensions are required. If a General or Junior Member fails to renew his/her membership by paying dues within the allotted time (See Section 6.03 Dues) that member’s membership will be terminated. If a Terminated Member desires to again become an SAN ONOFRE SURF TEAM member, he/she may re-apply for membership by following the application procedure as a New Member. A Suspended Member shall not be allowed to vote, represent SAN ONOFRE SURF TEAM or participate in a surfing contest as an SAN ONOFRE SURF TEAM member.


The SAN ONOFRE SURF TEAM strives to maintain a membership that supports the SAN ONOFRE SURF TEAM Mission by including surfers with a high level of ability as well as those developing their skills, and/or those who demonstrate a passion for the surfing lifestyle. SAN ONOFRE SURF TEAM Members will conduct themselves in a lawful, respectful manner and follow established surfing etiquette. To ensure a strong SAN ONOFRE SURF TEAM membership the following procedures have been established.

There are two applications; one for an Individual General Membership and Junior Member, and one for a Family General Membership. New applicants must complete the SAN ONOFRE SURF TEAM Application for Membership and submit it to a General Member in good standing for sponsorship. If a new applicant does not know a general member, they may complete the application and come to an SAN ONOFRE SURF TEAM General Meeting and submit the application in person. The application will require a signature from the applicant(s) that he/she has read, understands and will abide by the bylaws, and all information is true and correct. The applicant must submit the application to “The Board” for review. Upon review, “The Board” may invite the applicant to a general meeting to continue the application process.

The General Member sponsors must present the applicant and family members if applicable, to the General Membership and speak to the attributes of the applicant(s), to include, but not limited to the applicant(s) surfing skill level and experience, reason for desired membership, background, integrity, what the applicant brings to the SAN ONOFRE SURF TEAM, and other points of interest. The applicant(s) will present themselves at the general meeting and respond to any questions by the General Membership.

At the conclusion of the meeting, ”The Board” may conduct interviews with the sponsor(s) and the applicant. “The Board” shall review applications for membership and if the applicant's review is favorable, the President will present the applicant at the following general meeting. Upon the initial $50.00 payment of dues for all individual memberships, those applicants shall be considered members of the SAN ONOFRE SURF TEAM.


All General Members and Junior Members shall be subject to the payment of their initial I” year dues in the amount of $50 per single applicant. Thereafter, annual dues are $35.00 per year per person for General Membership, and $25.00 per year per person for Junior (under 21) Membership. A second tier for dues has been established for families, herein referred to as, Family General Membership or (FGM). FGM dues are $100.00 annually. FGM includes the General and Junior Member, his/her spouse and any children under the age of 18. Dues cover a term of 12 months, beginning January 1 and expiring December 31. Members not paying dues by January 30 are considered delinquent. Dues not paid by February 28 will result in suspension of membership.

New members joining after July I are subject to dues consisting of $20.00 for General Membership and $30.00 for FGM for the remainder of the first year only.


In the event of the disbandment or dissolution of the SOST, the funds held by the SOST after all debts are paid shall be disposed of in accordance with the state laws governing non-profit organizations.


When displaying the SOST emblem or logo or conducting business on behalf of the SOST, all members shall conduct themselves in a lawful, respectful manner.


Members, who violate the bylaws of the SOST, are convicted of a felony or a misdemeanor involving moral turpitude~ or fail to maintain dues, or bring disgrace to the SOST, are subject to discipline. If any Board Member is made aware of violations as listed above he/she shall make a report to “The Board” for review of the reported violation. Any disciplinary action recommended by “The Board” will be reported, at the discretion of the President, to the General Membership. “The Board’ will vote on the recommended disciplinary action. The vote will be determined by a simple majority of “The Board” members present, with the exception of expulsion which shall require a 2/3 majority vote of’ The Board’ members present. Discipline for failure to pay dues will be reviewed by “The Board” and is also not subject to a general membership vote.

Discipline shall range from suspension for set periods of time determined by “The Board” to permanent expulsion from the SOST.

A suspended member shall have no voting rights in the SOST during the period of suspension, nor shall a suspended member be allowed to participate in any SOST event, including meetings and contests. Persons who have been excluded from the SOST by a vote of expulsion shall have no rights of membership.




“The Board” may cause the expenditure of the SOST funds for the payment of the normal costs (P.O Box fees, website fees, club store/raffle goods, cookouts, etc.). All other expenditures of SOST funds shall be subject to approval by vote of the General Membership.


Only “The Board” or its designees may incur debts in the name of the SOST. Any member who incurs debt(s) in the name of the SOST without authorization from “The Board” shall be solely responsible for said debt(s) and the SOST shall not be held liable for said debt(s). The Treasurer will prepare and submit a monthly statement of the SOST account to “The Board” at the monthly Board meeting.


A member of “The Board” shall not solely, because of such membership, be personally liable for the debts, obligations, or liabilities of the Corporation.


Only “The Board” or its designees may represent the SOST. Only those members authorized by. “The Board” shall make, or cause to be made, public statements or representations in the name of the SOST. Only “The Board” or its designees may make agreements with other entities which are binding upon the SOST.


SOST – San Onofre Surf Team Corporation

EXECUTIVE SESSION – Meeting with attendance restricted to the executive board members and those invited

CLOSED SESSION – Meeting with attendance restricted to general members and those invited

GOOD STANDING – A member who has their dues up to date and does not owe any debts for surf contests, store goods, etc.

SHALL – Mandatory

MAY – Optional


The bylaws of the SOST may be amended after receiving a two thirds majority vote of the general members present.


All previous amendments have been incorporated into the above listed by-laws.


This is to certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of the bylaws of the SAN ONOFRE SURF TEAM and those bylaws were duly adopted by The Board of directors of said corporation on the date set forth below.